Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pray for rain

June 8th, I took a 106Km ride down south under the auspices of finding a beach that was close enough to cycle to and spend the day. During the entire day, and it took the entire day even though it only felt like a week, I saw no other cyclists. I was the only idiot on the road. That should have been my first clue. The temperature was somewhere in the mid 30’s (Celsius), 95F with the humidity high up there. I never thought I would pray for rain while cycling. The only picture I got was of a recycling plant. Taiwanese are big on recycling.

The rest of the time I spent looking for shade or visiting relatives just to get out of the heat. The first stop was in DongGang to see my (wife’s) coffin making cousin. I just sat in the shade while he worked, making traditional caskets. Just before noon I set out again, never finding a beach (it seemed too far out of the way considering the heat) until I located the tea shop on the marina at FangLiao. I didn’t stop as I had just left a 7-11 after polishing off a liter of Supau, the energy drink.

When I found my way back to Highway 1 I didn’t know whether I was north or south of Highway 185, the road along the mountains back north, so I headed south. After a few K’s I asked for directions (I know, not very manly of me) and found I was too far south.

When I reached 185 I realized I was hot and tired and 185 went uphill with no shade for several kilometers. I stayed on 1 and headed home. It was only 38Km this way, 45 the other. After 25Km I cut through the city of ChaoCho to stop at another cousin’s house. Niece Emily and husband Chuck were in town from Bullhead City so they dropped by to say “hi” while I recuperated. Chuck is my neighbor and very good friend from Bullhead City who married Hsien-Ling’s niece. They are here on a three week vacation.

I finally made it home about 6pm, hot and very tired. 9 hours total, most of it spent hiding in the shade.

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